Xtra Coaching was launched in 2013 by Xavier SEVERIN. Born in 1977, Xavier has always been a passionate about sports and particularly of muay thai that he teaches since 2005. As the sports director of one of the most popular muay thai associations in France with over 200 students, he has coached two female world champions and a professional national champion. As a result, requests for him to become a personal trainer has continually increased over the years. In the summer of 2013, he takes on the adventure and creates Xtra Coaching.
You'll find a trainer who is attentive to the needs of his clients and helps each one to attain their goals, Xtra Coaching is above all about adapting to the client. So whether it be to learn Muay Thai, to offload from daily stress, to lose weight, to stay in shape or simply to gain in self-confidence, clients are always satisfied. Xtra Coaching goes beyond the training session though regular follow-ups via text messaging to provide long-term guidance.
On top of training individuals, several companies have also called upon Xavier SEVERIN's services for whom he provides Xtra Sessions (please see here for more information). Xavier has increasingly become a reference for those who are searching for well-being in body and mind.
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